Tag Archives: Nephilim

Chained by Darkness is out!

Chained by Darkness coverI am pleased to let you all know Chained by Darkness is now out on Amazon, Kobo, and Nook!  I’m posting all the retailer links at the bottom of this page for those who’d like quick access.  For me, this is my favorite book so far.  Hopefully you all will enjoy it too!

For anyone wondering, it came out to 45k words so though it’s technically still a novella, it’s close to short novel length.  There is a lot more world-building in this one, as well as several new characters who will be seen in later books for the series.  Plus if you’d like to get to know Lucas better, this is definitely your chance.  I’ve included an author’s note at the end of the book you might read too.  If anyone has questions after that, feel free to email me or ask them on the FAQ page which I’ll be updating in the next day or two.

Most people are going to want to know what’s coming next.  As you may have noticed on my “Books” page, Darkness Divides will be the third full-length novel.  I’m expecting to release it in April of next year.  In the meantime, there is a short story coming out through a New Years anthology I’m participating in that is set in the Sensor Series world and takes place between Chained by Darkness and Darkness Divides.  You can learn more about that on this post.

I’ve been running contests on the weekdays all month for prizes on Facebook.  If you haven’t had a chance to participate yet, not to worry.  I’ll be continuing them through to November 8th to give fans more chances to win.  Since some of you don’t have an account on Facebook, though, I have one other planned that you’ll hopefully be able to participate in.  Stay tuned to this blog for details as I’ll be posting more about it later this week.  The only hint I’ll give for now is that to be eligible you must have posted a review for at least one of the Sensor Series books (it can be on Amazon, Goodreads, B&N, or your blog).

Also, from now until October 31st anyone who has not gotten a set of Sensor Series bookmarks/postcards (including ones for Chained by Darkness) and really wants them should email me via the contact page.  I’ll be mailing them out on Friday, November 1st.  Everyone who has gotten them so far has loved them and I still have some extras to give away.

Thanks to the fans for all your support leading up to this release, especially those who have sent me kind messages.  You have no idea how much that means to me.  You guys are awesome!

Purchase links:

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Amazon Germany

Amazon Canada

Amazon France

